In Vitro Fertilisation

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1. Embryo transfer

Some of the symptoms that may be significant and that may be the result of a successful embryo transfer are:

  • Abdominal discomfort, similar to the pain felt during menstruation
  • Slight swelling of the breasts, especially around the areola and nipples.
  • Drowsiness, above all after meals.
  • Nausea and even vomiting, especially upon waking, normally from the second week.
  • Aversion to food, smoking and certain smells

Despite the explained symptoms being the most common when things are going well, in many cases the woman is completely asymptomatic, meaning she has no type of discomfort or symptom and she is pregnant. On the other hand, there are women who have all the pregnancy symptoms but are not in the end. This shows us that each patient is different and it is necessary to wait until the day of the pregnancy test to learn whether the treatment has been a success or not.

Embryonic implantation

Embryonic implantation is the process whereby the embryo attaches to the endometrium to receive oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the blood, and can thus continue its development. In order to implant, it is essential that the embryo is in the blastocyst stage and the endometrial blood vessels are torn to form new ones, which will allow the exchange through the mother’s blood. Tearing of the small endometrial vessels causes the well-known implantation staining.

After embryo transfer, a period of around two weeks starts before the pregnancy test in which symptoms of embryonic implantation can appear. The symptoms that can occur are varied, but not having them does not indicate that there was no implantation. During these days, it is common to be aware of the signs the body sends when searching for any indication of pregnancy.

Nevertheless, it is important to bear in mind that each woman feels and experiences the implantation in different ways. Even though waiting for the result is a complicated time full of expectations and hopes due to the strong desire to be a mother, it is important to not become obsessed, to be relaxed and keep a positive attitude which will, without a doubt, help in the process until the conclusive pregnancy test.

It is very common to wonder what you can do after the transfer to encourage a pregnancy. There is nothing else you can do to increase the chances of a pregnancy, apart from waiting for the embryos to implant correctly and resume a normal and relaxed pace of life.

The transferred embryos that are unable to implant will be reabsorbed as normal and will disappear without negatively affecting the surrounding tissues, even if there is another embryo that has implanted correctly.

The duration of this bleeding also depends on each woman and can last for one to three days.