Gender Selection in Cyprus for Family Balancing
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Cyprus Fertility Centre
Gender Selection in Cyprus
The gender selection program at Cyprus Fertility Centre offers each family client an opportunity to choose the gender of their next child to balance the sexes within their family members. Our IVF centre understands the importance of gender selection in Cyprus to make a wanton family complete and whole. That is why, we are giving the couples the upper hand in choosing the gender of their planned offspring.
Upon the completion of the in vitro fertilisation at the IVF centre laboratory, the embryos are gathered for embryo biopsy procedure to find out the sex of each embryo where it is presented to the expectant couple for their choice. The selected embryo based on the desired gender is then returned to the womb of the mother in preparation for conception. Embryos which are not chosen are stored safely in the IVF laboratory for future use when the need arises. Our doctors and geneticists will then put utmost care in re-delivering the desired embryo back to the womb ensuring that the desired sex for the selected embryo is indeed in place.
The gender selection in Cyprus program has become one of our most popular services at Cyprus Fertility Centre. We have catered a sizable number of couples from all over the globe with affirmative outcomes and commendable satisfaction in our long years of operation. The preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) procedure done before implantation will not only reveal the gender of the child but could also uncover genetic disorders that may express after the child is born. This screening procedure can prevent the occurrence of unwanted genetic diseases after delivery. For more information on PGD please refer to this link: PGD in Cyprus on our Cyprus Fertility Centre website. For any specific inquiries regarding our gender selection in Cyprus program, feel free to fill up this free Gender selection in Cyprus Contact Form so we could link you promptly to one of our experts in the centre to answer your inquiries about the procedure.
North Cyprus stands to be the only country in the world that legalized gender selection through PGD. Our doctors are backed by many years of training and experience on IVF procedures and gender selection through PGD. Our doctors are further committed to assisting you in having the healthy baby that you always desired to have. The PGD process in Cyprus Fertility Centre may require the mother to stay in the centre for at least a week (7 days), granting that stimulation and monitoring will be already done at home (country of origin). Our accommodating guest relations officers in the IVF centre will ensure your absolute comfort and relaxation on your accommodations in North Cyprus. To date, PGD remains to be the only procedure where gender selection success rates exceeds 99.9% making North Cyprus the leading country in sex selection.